Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists Rape Interns and

Ideas: What Can Be Done About It

A ten year under-cover study of the

criminal rape-culture and tacit illicit

conspiracy of silence in Silicon Valley

A ten year study of the venture capitalists of Silicon Valley was conducted. This is what we learned.

We used an AI data gathering software application system that was allowed to self-breed and auto-populate, for a number of years, using automated web analysis, email text overlap algorithms, Web-DA and other legally acquired re-percussive data acquisition.

We conducted thousands of interviews and personal testaments and went under-cover inside venture capital offices. Cell phones were legally placed in speaker-mode during under-cover activities while calling out to conference calls with our team.

Part One of this report deals with the Sex Assaults. Part Two of this report deals with the Idea Assaults. Part Three of this report deals with the Summations and Psychological Analysis of the VC’s. This report will be expanded in new revisions online and offered in Brief, Medium and Long-Form editions. The current Long-Form addition comprises over 2000 pages and includes audio recording MP3 files.

Part One: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists Date Rape and Extort Sex From Others.


Silicon Valley's Greylock Partners, Kleiner Perkins, and most other VC's are rapists, sexual predators and political bribery enthusiasts and nobody ever arrests them for it...

How you can help the victims:

- Support a DOJ and SEC class action lawsuit against the NVCA and Silicon Valley Venture Capital Firms
- Donate legal support funds for the women at
- Encourage other women at Venture Capital firms to come forward
- Help distribute the iPhone recordings of the harassment these women have recorded on the job
- Call Reid Hoffman, John Doerr, Tim Draper and other VC's on the phone and tell them what you think
- Demand that your pension fund remove any investments in Silicon Valley VC funds

Women in Tech Speak Frankly on Culture of Harassment At Silicon Valley VC’s

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Rachel Renock, the chief executive of Wethos, center, with her business partners, Claire Humphreys, left, and Kristen Ablamsky. Ms. Renock said they received sexist comments while seeking financing. Credit Sasha Maslov for The New York Times

Their stories came out slowly, even hesitantly, at first. Then in a rush.

One female entrepreneur recounted how she had been propositioned by a Silicon Valley venture capitalist while seeking a job with him, which she did not land after rebuffing him. Another showed the increasingly suggestive messages she had received from a start-up investor. And one chief executive described how she had faced numerous sexist comments from an investor while raising money for her online community website.

What happened afterward was often just as disturbing, the women told The New York Times. Many times, the investors’ firms and colleagues ignored or played down what had happened when the situations were brought to their attention. Saying anything, the women were warned, might lead to ostracism.

Now some of these female entrepreneurs have decided to take that risk. More than two dozen women in the technology start-up industry spoke to The Times in recent days about being sexually harassed. Ten of them named the investors involved, often providing corroborating messages and emails, and pointed to high-profile venture capitalists such as Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital and Dave McClure of 500 Startups.

The disclosures came after the tech news site The Information reported that female entrepreneurs had been preyed upon by a venture capitalist, Justin Caldbeck of Binary Capital. The new accounts underscore how sexual harassment in the tech start-up ecosystem goes beyond one firm and is pervasive and ingrained. Now their speaking out suggests a cultural shift in Silicon Valley, where such predatory behavior had often been murmured about but rarely exposed.

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The tech industry has long suffered a gender imbalance, with companies such as Google and Facebook acknowledging how few women were in their ranks. Some female engineers have started to speak out on the issue, including a former Uber engineer who detailed a pattern of sexual harassment at the company, setting off internal investigations that spurred the resignation in June of Uber’s chief executive, Travis Kalanick.

Most recently, the revelations about Mr. Caldbeck of Binary Capital have triggered an outcry. The investor has been accused of sexually harassing entrepreneurs while he worked at three different venture firms in the past seven years, often in meetings in which the women were presenting their companies to him.

Several of Silicon Valley’s top venture capitalists and technologists, including Reid Hoffman, a founder of LinkedIn, condemned Mr. Caldbeck’s behavior last week and called for investors to sign a “decency pledge.” Binary has since collapsed, with Mr. Caldbeck leaving the firm and investors pulling money out of its funds.

The chain of events has emboldened more women to talk publicly about the treatment they said they had endured from tech investors.

“Female entrepreneurs are a critical part of the fabric of Silicon Valley,” said Katrina Lake, founder and chief executive of the online clothing start-up Stitch Fix, who was one of the women targeted by Mr. Caldbeck. “It’s important to expose the type of behavior that’s been reported in the last few weeks, so the community can recognize and address these problems.”

The women’s experiences help explain why the venture capital and start-up ecosystem — which underpins the tech industry and has spawned companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon — has been so lopsided in terms of gender.

Most venture capitalists and entrepreneurs are men, with female entrepreneurs receiving $1.5 billion in funding last year versus $58.2 billion for men, according to the data firm PitchBook. Many of the investors hold outsize power, since entrepreneurs need their money to turn ideas and innovations into a business. And because the venture industry operates with few disclosure requirements, people have kept silent about investors who cross the lines with entrepreneurs.

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Ben Graham's Ghost

Facebook founder and multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg got his start creating "Facemash" in 2003 on the Harvard network. The user compared...


It's clear that sexual harassment is rampant in the tech industry, but there are many industries where it is just as bad or worse. Mine was...

linda morris

And so it was and still is. I commend women who stuck with their goals. I was not that strong. 1982. In college my engineering physics lab...